The Book Of Horse Show Pattern Scoresheets
$17.00 USD
The Book of Horse Show Pattern Scoresheets
This book was designed for judges, scribes, and for anyone learning to score pattern classes such as showmanship, hunt seat equitation, western horsemanship, and trail.
These scoresheets are based on the scoring system used by most AQHA, APHA, and stock horse judges, as recommended by the Color Breed Council Judging Academy.
The scoresheets are designed for use with a starting score of 70, with each maneuver scored as follows:
-3 Extremely Poor, -2 Very Poor, -1 Poor, 0 Correct,
+1 Good, +2 Very Good, +3 Excellent
Rider FE (Form Effectiveness) is typically scored as follows:
5 Excellent, 4 Very Good, 3 Good, 0-2 Average
Penalties are typically 3, 5, or 10 points.